Friday, December 19, 2008

Join The Calculator Cult

Last week I saw maybe the best Saturday Night Live sketch I have ever seen. John Malkovitch was the host, and there were a few Christmas themed skits as is the norm this time of year.

The point of this post is simple, watch the sketch so you get the joke when I say "We're getting a calculator!" I have been quoting this sketch with rediculous frequency lately. John Malkovitch and Fred Armisen are awesome, even (or espcially) when Malkovitch miffs the timing on the last "WHOOOAAAA!"

Merry Christmas. Hope you get a calculator.


Anonymous said...

Huh? How many times can we say calculator in 4:10 = humor?

Shawn said...

I have to say, I am COMPLETELY SHOCKED that you did not like this!

Anonymous said...

I love this. I think the sweaters had me going initially. I like the "whoa" miff because it almost works...he's so excited that he doesn't even know what he's excited about.

Anonymous said... I finally understand....that was great! "I'm gunna try 9-9-9-9-9....x0...whoa" amazing!