Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's Me or Victoria Stilwell

For a short while, the time between 6:00pm and 7:00pm has been a little wierd for me.

I typically get home at 4:00pm, and my wife at 5:00pm. After going through the mail and chatting, we usually sit on the couch for some relaxation and dinner.

I can watch Cops any time, day or night. I feel like I have seen every episode but I don't care. Cops is on some channel somewhere almost 24 hours a day. I also like World's Wildest Police Videos on Tru Tv (formerly known as CourtTV) but it is really, really dumb. Its the kind of show where 30 seconds worth of grainy footage is repeated at different speeds and narrated over and over for about five minutes.

I didn't know it, but I was looking for an alternative to all this afternoon law-enforcement violence, and I found it by accident.

Animal Planet is right below TruTv on the proverbial dial, and a few days ago I accidentally tuned to it while gearing up for some high-speed chases. What I saw was a show called It's Me or The Dog, and I was blown away.

Truth be told, the show is very much like The Dog Wisperer, but the difference is in the hosts. I never liked The Dog Wisperer because I think Cesar Milan is a creep. The hostess of It's Me or The Dog, however, is not. She is Victoria Stilwell, and she is my new hero and crush.

First of all, she has a rediculous amount of style. She tends to only wear red and/or black, which is cool enough, but she also tends to wear either riding pants with a peacoat, or a leotard-like jumpsuit with a six inch thick belt. Then there's her voice. That beautiful high-pitched English accent is so sexy. She has just the right amount of class without seeming bitchy, and just the right amount of sass without seeming goofy.

But to be serious, what I really like are her techniques. Right off I noticed that she doesn't do that neck-pinching bullshit that Cesar Milan does. She emphasizes positive reinforcement and is strongly against any type of abuse.

I know these shows are edited to make trainers like Ms. Stilwell look like miracle workers, so I wanted a good reason to admire the woman and not just have a crush on her. I went to her official website and I was extremely pleased to read about all the work she does for animals, from anti-puppy mill work, to promoting pet insurance.

So my hat is off to you Victoria Stilwell, the sexy english dog trainer.

(Don't worry, my wife likes the show too!)

1 comment:

Eileen said...

You have Victoria, I have Gale - It all works out in the end!

Amazingly we have a short list of "if it were to ever happend, who is your "free pass" people" - which I like.

I have one, you have two - and one doesn't count because she plays for the other team.